
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Stuffed Bell Peppers (Capsicum), and Pizza Crackers

The weather has been beautiful. We've got loads of chores to do before the holidays. My son and I have been keeping ourselves busy with cleaning, organizing, and gathering things to donate to charity shops. We have been making glass bead napkin holders as well. I'll say he's been doing a great job! He's enjoying it as well and at the same time teaching him patterns. My daughter made one last week and couldn't be bothered to make more as she is too busy with other things. 

By dinner time I was too knackered to do anything else so I've put together some left overs and came up with this. I don't have measurements for this recipe because I threw everything in and put it in the oven


boiled white rice
cream cheese
heavy whipping cream
pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 350F/180C/Gas Mark 4

Put ingredients in a small saucepan and melt together until rice is covered in cream.
Scoop the stuffing and fill up the bell peppers.
Sprinkle with breadcrumbs on top.
Bake for 30 minutes.

Kiddies didn't care for it. They've been snacking all day and were not hungry so I have put together some nibbles for them. It isn't dinner but they stuffed their little tummies with it along with strawberry applesauce.

Crackers with pepperoni and melted shredded cheese on top. Microwave for 20 seconds. Simple and delicious.

Pizza Crackers

1 comment:

  1. stuffed peppers!

    haven't seen them in such a long time

    brings back good memories because my mom used to make them when i was a kid and i loved them


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